Sunday 17 February 2013

That review I promised!

Hello again!
Back so soon I know! ;)

So I was just looking back over some of the blog posts and released that I owed you guys a review on the Lush Solid Jungle Conditioner so her goes!

Image from Lush website

This conditioner smells delish!
The scent is very exotic but at the same time calm and relaxing. 
At first I had no idea how to use this so I just hopped into the shower and tried to rub the whole block through my hair and in the end I just had to face that it wasn't going to work :(
I didn't want to just give up like that! So I did some research and noticed that a lot of other people were having the same problem :( and then I found a youtube video (I'll leave the url at the bottom) at a different way how to use it. You basically cut/scrap of some off the solid, put it in a container, add a a little hot water and leave it to stew. After a while you have a very lumpy but more conditioner type paste. 
Shampoo and then use your conditioner as normal it works a treat!
By using it this way you don't have to wait for the block to dry out and you just put it straight back in its home! (didn't  know what else to say)

Here's the url please check it out it really helped me! - 

Hope this helped thanks for reading!



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